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Supporting Transgender Autistic Youth and Adults

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I am starting to get emails from counselors, parents and trans autistic folks and I'm glad I did all I did to make this book come out of me. It is a book that needed to be written. I will be available for presentations to professional and family groups after publishing and into 2020. Please see Services for more info. I am so grateful for the support and assistance of my professional community, friends and family who supported me through 2018 as I researched and wrote and wasn't a lot of fun to be around. Kudos to the editors at Jessica Kingsley Publishers who saw the need and worked to make this book a reality.


This concise, appropriate, necessary book offers explanations, answers and research for understanding gender differences journeyed by autistic, neurodiverse individuals. I cannot stress enough the importance of this book! Author: Dr. Wenn Lawson (PhD), CPsych, BPSs, AFBPSs, MAPs For those new to the field and those who already know so much, you will all discover so much more to learn in Finn Gratton's brilliant and comprehensive book taking us on a journey alongside trans autistic people, in their everyday lives and in the offices of the professionals there to help them. Gratton reminds us throughout Supporting Transgender Autistic Youth and Adults that as we learn, it is the trans autistic people who will be our teachers in both their neuro- and gender diversity. Author: Diane Ehrensaft, Ph.D., Director of Mental Health, Child and Adolescent Gender Center, University of California San Francisco Author of The Gender Creative Child and Gender Born, Gender Made Gratton opens readers' eyes and hearts to the experiences and realities of neuroqueer individuals. Brimming with practical resources and strategies, a true gem and essential reading for families and professionals willing to take action to make the world a more welcoming place for trans autistic youth and adults. Author: Katherine A. Kuvalanka, Ph.D., Department of Family Science and Social Work, Miami University

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