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Neurodiversity Resources


Online Resources


Nick Walker's writings. This is my first referral to neurodivergent individuals, to parents and to colleagues. These essays are central understanding the neurodiversity paradigm and what it takes to shift away from a pathology paradigm.

Neuroclastic:  Information about the autism spectrum from autistic people

Autism in Adults Journal: research and scholarship on autism in adulthood, incorporates autistic adults into writing, editing and peer review

Thinking Person's Guide to Autism: Curated blog site. Contributors are autistic people, providers and parents


Pass the Mic: Autistic People of Color and Ethnic Minorities:  facebook post listing POC  & ethnic minority autistic sources


The AASPIRE Health Care Tool Kit is a fantastic resource. This site will guide you to an online questionnaire that takes about 15 minutes to complete. When you complete it, it will create a report to provide to health care providers that highlights best ways to work with you or your child, from medical procedures, to communication, to office environment, to scheduling appointments. Created by the Academic Autistic Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education at Portland State University


Karla McLaren: Suggestions for working with autistic children and adults in ways that support their neurology and their unique learning style. Excellent guidance in thinking, or re-thinking autistic learning in and out of school .

Ask an Autistic: 10-15 minute videos responding to variety of autistic experiences

Spanish-language Neurodiversity (and more) blogs



Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network: Focuses on women and girls and nonbinary people — who have often been overlooked in the mainstream autism dialogue.

Books & Writing


Neurotribes, by Steve Silberman  Currently my first suggestion for both non-autistic people and autistic people for understanding the history of the way the medical/mental health field and the general public thinks about autism, and introduces the neurodiversity perspective as replacement for the “broken” or “missing puzzle piece” perspective on autism. Commercially available in print and audio.


Publications by Autonomous Press

Articles by and for neurodivergent and queer folks. It is published by Autonomous Press, which focuses on works about disability, neurodivergence, and the various ways they can intersect with other aspects of identity and lived experience.

Authoring autism: On rhetoric and neurologic queerness, by Melanie Yergeau.

Supporting trans autistic youth and adults: A guide for professionals and families, by Finn Gratton

All the Weight of Our Dreams, On Living Racialized Autism, Ed. by Lydia X. Z. Brown, Anthology of essays by autistic people of color.

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